Akashic Records

A Cosmic Source

According to the wisdom of both scientific and spiritual thought, a powerful field of energy underlies all existence in the universe. The Hindus referred to it simply as Akasha, or “ether,” a cosmic source, from which all things arise and to which all things return.

Anything you’ve ever done, felt, or even thought leaves its imprint on this all-pervasive energetic substrate. The Akashic Record, or the memory aspect, is the most useful characteristic of this field.

A Living Tapestry

Over the millennia, this concept of a cosmic record has played a significant role in many traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity.

While it is tempting to think of these “records” as some dusty old library in the sky, it’s more helpful and infinitely more approachable to think of this record as a ubiquitous, living tapestry that allows any and all information to be available to you, whenever you need it.

Accessing this information can provide insight, not only into your past and potential future, but, most importantly, into your present situation and the factors that influence how you feel and think about the events of your life.

I’ll teach you an amazingly simple, specific technique used to access your personal Akashic Record.

Let’s get started! Call (828) 412-0470 or click here to learn more.