
Your Dreams Have a Message for You

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate.” This is one of my favorite quotes from Carl Jung, who has given us a model for understanding our dreams, the “royal road to the unconscious.”

You can find great wisdom in your dreams. Their deep exploration can help you heal, open, awaken and become your most healthy, vibrant version of yourself.

“But my dreams make no sense!” you say. That’s understandable. Dreams speak a unique language of symbol and metaphor that seem to defy the rational mind.

Working through a dream with an experienced guide can be a transformative process. You’ll have that moment when you say, “Ah-ha, I’ve got it!” A lightbulb will go on, and you’ll see the message clearly.

You Can Understand Your Dreams

I won’t tell you what your dreams mean – only you can know that – but together, we’ll work hand in hand to find that meaning.

Please give me a call at (828) 412-0470 or schedule a consultation, so we can discuss how you can benefit from this transformative process.