Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your office located?


My office is in Asheville, NC. You are welcome to see me in person if you are in town.

101 Stone Ridge Blvd. Asheville, NC 28804











Do you see clients remotely online?
I do! I see most of my clients online via Zoom video chat. So, no matter where you are in the world, we can work together.
Isn’t it weird to do spiritual work over the computer?
Not at all. I have found it to be equally as effective as being in person. Distance is no obstacle for the heart and soul. In fact, many of my clients prefer it, as it can be even easier to feel safe and at ease in the comfort of your own home.
What are your hours?
My hours are generally Mon. – Thurs., 10 am – 5 pm ET. However, I do offer a few evening and weekend appointments for anyone who is in another time zone or has a schedule conflict with work.

To see my calendar and schedule an appointment, please click here. If you would like to request a time outside my normal hours, please contact me.

How long are sessions?
I offer 60-minute and 90-minute sessions.
How do I pay?
Following our session, I will send you an invoice which you can pay by major credit card or by mailing a check.

If you are coming to see me in person, you may pay me directly by cash, check or card.

Do you accept Insurance?
I am not a therapist, so I cannot accept insurance.
How frequent are the sessions?
I encourage clients to come every 1 – 4 weeks. Many of my clients find that every two weeks is ideal.
How do I set up an initial appointment?
I offer a free 20-minute initial consultation. You can set up a free consultation via phone by calling here, or you can book it online here.

Or, if you know that you’re ready to jump in and start working together, please go ahead and book yourself a session here.

What is your cancellation policy?
I ask for at least a 24-hour notice on any cancellations.

If you need to cancel outside of the 24-hour window, no problem!

If it’s within 24 hours, again, no problem! But I will ask that you pay the full fee.

What age ranges do you work with?
I work with adults from age 21 to 101. We all have spiritual needs!
Do you work with both women and men?
What about couples?
At their core, relationships are spiritual. They challenge us to grow and evolve in deep and meaningful ways.

While I don’t specifically do couples work, relationships are likely to be a major focus of your individual spiritual growth process.

Are you LGBTQIA+ friendly?
Absolutely. I believe that love is love. No matter how you identify, my hope is that you will feel safe here.
What do you do in a session?
Most of our time together will be for you to talk, share, un-pack, process, and follow your heart while I listen and ask an occasional question to help guide your exploration.

This is the foundation of the work. It may sound simple, but the effect is profound.

A small portion of our time together might consist of me sharing information about your soul contract chart, the enneagram type you’ve identified with, a symbol from a dream you’ve shared, or a tarot card we’ve pulled.

We may also do some meditation or qigong together, depending on your needs and desires at the time.

Do your clients receive assignments to work on between sessions?
Often, yes, we will agree on something you would like to spend time on before our next session. This might be a reading or a certain daily meditation practice.

Between-session work is entirely dependent upon your desire and willingness.

What modalities do you use in your client work?
Depending entirely on a client’s interest, we may incorporate Soul Contract, Enneagram, Tarot, Dream Work, Akashic Records, or The Healing Code.
What is your professional training and experience?
I am twice certified as a Spiritual Director and am an active member of Spiritual Directors International.

I received my training at both The Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley, CA, and at The Haden Institute in Hendersonville, CA.

As I have mentioned, there is no such thing as a license in the field, so I have obtained the highest level of training available and highest certification possible.

How long does this take?
This is a natural organic process, like water flowing to the ocean. It cannot be forced, only encouraged and witnessed.

Over time, you will see tremendous transformation in yourself. Because spiritual growth never ends, it is a lifelong journey. I am happy to accompany you on that journey as long as it serves your highest good.

What else does a client need to know to make the most out of working with you?
You get out of this work what you put into it. With a clear intention and consistent attention, you will get tremendous benefit from our work together.

I give you my word that I will show up fully. The rest is entirely up to you.

What if I don’t really believe in God?
Great! No problem at all. Perhaps you believe that the Universe is connected in some way? Perhaps you have experienced synchronicities in your life?

Or perhaps you believe the universe meaningless, and nihilism rules all. Awesome!

We can work with that. There is no requirement to believe anything, nor will I attempt to change your beliefs in any way.

This spirituality stuff is serious business, right?
Not at all! Spirituality can be quite playful and joyous. This work is whatever you make it, and I will meet you exactly where you are.
Will you try to force your beliefs on me?
Absolutely not. You are the one who sets the tone and agenda. I will follow your lead.

It is not necessary that we share common beliefs; only that we share a mutual respect and curiosity about what spirituality is.

Isn’t it dangerous to play with Tarot cards?
It’s harmless, unless you consider learning about yourself to be dangerous.

I use the Tarot not as a fortune-telling device, but as a mirror for the things we cannot see about ourselves – a window into the unconscious.

I invite you to think of it as a language of symbols which is capable of bypassing the analytical mind and connecting you with a deeper truth.

Can I do this in addition to therapy?
Yes, please do. This shows an excellent commitment to growth and self-care. All I ask is that your therapist and I both be informed.
How is this different than therapy?
On the surface, it may look similar. You talk; I listen. But the subject matter of our discussions is unique. We are interested in exploring your self-understanding, your connection to all things, the mystery that is you, and the meaning you create in your life.

There are no absolutes in this work – only honest explorations.

Can I ask personal questions?
Yes, you are welcome to. Unlike therapy, it is acceptable for me to be revealing of my own life and experiences. However, I will only do so when I feel it will be beneficial to your process.
What is your spiritual orientation?
I identify as spiritually eclectic, with a pragmatic leaning.

I have studied a great many spiritual traditions and esoteric spiritual practices. From each, I tend to take what works for me.

While it does meander a bit, I have found that this path truly meets my needs and is a true expression of my being.

What do you order on your pizza?
Pepperoni and pineapple, please.
What’s your favorite animal?
The turtle. It reminds me to take things sloooooow.
Why is the sky blue?
Is it?
Do you have a cute dog?
I do! Her name is Peanut, and she is very sassy.