Meditation – Rediscover Your Center

It’s Within You –

Your oasis, your refuge in times of stress or overwhelm.

The more you visit, the easier it is to find, and the stronger it becomes.

You just need to find it again.

As we work together, you’ll set up and stick with a practice of regular, consistent mediation.

Initially, it helps to meditate with a partner or group; so if you’re interested, we’ll spend some time on this in every session.

So Many Ways

Meditative practice comes in countless styles and approaches. We’ll find the approach or combination best suited to your individual needs.

One is a simple, silent style of meditation, often referred to as mindfulness meditation, insight mediation, or vipassana. Through vipassana, you’ll develop your “witnessing consciousness” – your ability to be aware of your experience.

In time, you’ll simultaneously have a thought and also be aware of that thought. The same goes for feelings. You can have an emotion while you witness the experience of having that emotion. Both experiences pave the way for greater objectivity or perspective on your story.

Guided meditations can also help you tremendously. If you like this style, I’ll guide you through some of my favorite practices. Below you will find one of them. I hope you will use and enjoy it whenever you like.

Rediscover your center. Let’s begin practicing together today.

Please give me a call at (828) 412-0470 or schedule a consultation, so we can discuss how you can benefit from this transformative process.