Online Sessions

Near and Far – from Here to There

Although I have an office in Asheville, many of my clients live all over the world, from California to New York, Michigan to Mexico City. In this new era of connectivity in which we live, there is no reason we can’t work with each other over any distance.

Is It Strange to Do Spiritual Work Over the Computer?

My clients find that it is as natural as meeting a friend for coffee. Distance is no obstacle for the heart and soul. In fact, many people find it preferable to meet and do this work in the comfort and security of their own home.

We are still able to discuss anything and everything that is on your mind and heart. The opportunity to be heard is greatly supported by being able to see each other through web video, and I have found Zoom to be the most reliable and stable service currently available.

What About Your Other Modalities? Can These Be Done Over Zoom Video?

Yes, absolutely. If I were a hands-on healer, that would be a challenge. But walking you through your Soul Contract chart is greatly aided by the ability to share a screen and show you the symbols that might be relevant to your current experience.

For a Tarot reading, I set up an extra camera so that you are able to get a clear look at the cards and the visual messages they hold for you.

In an online Qigong class, I can set up a camera and microphone so that you can see every move and hear every instruction. (I used to work in the film industry, so this comes naturally to me 😉 )

And this means that instead of going out to a class that may not be convenient for your schedule, you can book a private online qigong class with me and treat yourself to some personal attention.

I invite you to book a free initial consultation with me to see for yourself how the online experience feels.

My bet is that you’ll feel like we’re in the same room.