Private Qigong Classes

Awaken Your Energy Body

Qigong (chi-gong) is an ancient moving art that awakens the energy body and cultivates inner awareness.

This style of moving meditation has come out of Taoism over the last 3,000 years. It is a practice that is as powerful as it simple. Even a single class calms the mind, opens the heart and releases stuck emotional energies in the body.

These gentle movements are done in a standing position and are easily achieved by all body types and skill levels.

A Daily Ritual for Holistic Well-Being

As you incorporate the forms of this class into daily practice, you will begin to feel lighter and more energized. You will find a more consistent experience of peace and presence.

You will have the opportunity to gain greater emotional balance, mental clarity, physical harmony, and a sense of grounded connection.

With Zoom video conferencing, all you need to attend this class is your computer and a quiet place to practice. I’ll take care of the rest. This allows you to have private instruction in the comfort of your own home, at your convenience.

Some find that just a few classes are enough to get you started on your own self-directed home practice. However, consistent support is helpful. This is designed to fit into your life.

Join Me for a New Way of Moving

This is a gentle invitation into an experience of embodiment, to get in touch with the intelligence that lives within you.

If this sounds like an experience that would be supportive to your well-being, please schedule a session by calling (828) 412-0470 or clicking here.