Soul Growth Coaching

Spiritual Growth Through Deep Listening

To support your spiritual growth, I offer a comprehensive approach based on a foundation of deep listening and enhanced by the many other modalities you see on this site. What that might look like is as unique as each individual with whom I work. An illustration may be helpful.

Lisa comes to me looking for some support around some of the struggles she is experiencing regarding moving forward into a new chapter in her life. Having recently gone through a painful and difficult divorce, she is feeling stuck and disconnected from her sense of clarity and direction.

In her first session, Lisa is able to open up about the experiences of betrayal she’s had in recent years. She also talks about wanting to move forward but is not sure of which way to go. She mentions having a lot of dreams lately, so I encourage her to write down her dreams and bring one to the next session.

In the next session, Lisa shares a dream that has a prominence of orange and red colors in it. I offer my projection that these colors are often associated with passion, creativity and anger. I ask her,

“Where in your life might you be feeling passionate or angry?”

“Well” she says, “I’ve not been feeling much in the way of passion lately.”

I have a sense there might be more here worth exploring, so I remain silent and wait to see what comes. With some time to reflect, Lisa realizes something very important.

“I’m angry. I’m angry that I’m in this situation. I have never admitted that until just now. I guess anger is pretty uncomfortable for me.”

“I wonder what that anger might be calling you to?”

In subsequent sessions, Lisa shares that as a result of connecting with her anger, she feels drawn to a new type of spiritual practice. Rather than sitting in meditation and journaling, she wants to try martial arts.

“Is that spiritual?” she asks.

“What do you think?”

“I want to do this more than I’ve ever wanted to do anything. And I feel a new sense of peace come over me in the class. It’s amazing.”

“Well, then, it sounds like you have your answer.”

“Yes, I think you’re right,” Lisa says with a smile.

This is of course a summary of a much longer process, but my hope is that this gives you an idea of how the process of spiritual counseling unfolds organically, encouraging you to follow your sense of direction.

This is your journey. Each session is unique. What will yours look like?

I invite you to find out. Please call me at (828) 412-0470 or book a session here.